# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" General-Purpose Game Object
This module implements the GameObject class, core of this AI engine,
along with other useful classes, methods and constants
import pygame
from pygame_ai.utils import list_utils
null_surface = pygame.Surface((0, 0))
""" (:pgsurf:`Surface`) : Empty Surface with size 0 """
[docs]class GameObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
""" General-Purpose Game Object.
Derives from :pgsprite:`Sprite`.
Holds values relevant to any non-static entity in the game.
img_surf: :pgsurf:`Surface`
It is asigned to self.image, defaults to :const:`null_surface`
pos: list_like(int, int), optional
Initial Position, it is assigned to self.rect.center
max_speed: int, optional
Maximum linear speed
max_accel: int, optional
Maximum linear acceleration
max_rotation: int, optional
Maximum angular speed
max_angular_accel: int, optional
Maximum angular acceleration
This class exposes the following public properties and methods
image: :pgsurf:`Surface`
Surface to be blited to screen
rect: :pgrect:`Rect`
Derived from image, it's center is the GameObejct's position
position: :pgmath:`Vector2`
Current position
velocity: :pgmath:`Vector2`
Current velocity
max_speed: int
Maximum linear speed
max_accel: int
Maximum linear acceleration
orientation: int
Current orientation in degrees
rotation: int
Current angular velocity
max_rotation: int
Maximum angular speed
max_angular_accel: int
Maximum angular acceleration
def __init__(self, img_surf = null_surface, pos = (0, 0), max_speed = 30, max_accel = 20, max_rotation = 60, max_angular_accel = 50):
super(GameObject, self).__init__()
self.original_image = img_surf
self.image = self.original_image.copy()
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.center = pos
self.velocity = pygame.Vector2(0, 0)
self.max_speed = max_speed
self.max_accel = max_accel
self.orientation = 0
self.rotation = 0
self.max_rotation = max_rotation
self.max_angular_accel = max_angular_accel
def position(self):
return pygame.Vector2(self.rect.center)
def position(self, pos):
self.rect.center = pos
[docs] def steer(self, steering, tick):
""" Updates GameObject's velocity and rotation
steering: :py:class:`.kinematic.SteeringOutput` or :py:class:.`static.SteeringOutput`
The steering request to update velocity and rotation
tick: int
Time passed since the last loop
self.velocity += steering.linear * tick
self.rotation += steering.angular * tick
if self.velocity.length() > self.max_speed:
self.velocity *= self.max_speed
[docs] def steer_x(self, steering, tick):
""" Updates GameObject's velocity along the x axis
steering: :py:class:`.kinematic.SteeringOutput` or :py:class:.`static.SteeringOutput`
The steering request to update velocity and rotation
tick: int
Time passed since the last loop
steering_x = steering.copy()
steering_x.linear[1] = 0
steering_x.angular = 0
self.velocity += steering_x.linear * tick
if self.velocity[0] > self.max_speed:
self.velocity[0] = self.max_speed
#self.steer(steering_x, tick)
[docs] def steer_y(self, steering, tick):
""" Updates GameObject's velocity along the y axis
steering: :py:class:`.kinematic.SteeringOutput` or :py:class:.`static.SteeringOutput`
The steering request to update velocity and rotation
tick: int
Time passed since the last loop
steering_y = steering.copy()
steering_y.linear[0] = 0
steering_y.angular = 0
self.velocity += steering_y.linear * tick
if self.velocity[1] > self.max_speed:
self.velocity[1] = self.max_speed
#self.steer(steering_y, tick)
[docs] def steer_angular(self, steering, tick):
""" Updates GameObject's rotation
steering: :py:class:`.kinematic.SteeringOutput` or :py:class:.`static.SteeringOutput`
The steering request to update velocity and rotation
tick: int
Time passed since the last loop
steering_angular = steering.copy()
steering_angular.linear[0], steering_angular.linear[1] = 0, 0
[docs] def get_lines(self):
""" Reruns what it returns, can you guess what it is? """
left = [self.rect.topleft, self.rect.bottomleft]
top = [self.rect.topleft, self.rect.topright]
right = [self.rect.topright, self.rect.bottomright]
bottom = [self.rect.bottomright, self.rect.bottomleft]
return [left, top, right, bottom]
[docs]class DummyGameObject(GameObject):
""" A Dummy with :py:class:`GameObject` properties
Derives from :py:class:`GameObject`.
Used for quick instantiation when creating :py:class:`GameObject` s
that will only be used as palceholders and are not meant to appear
on screen.
position: list_like(int, int)
Current position
def __init__(self, position = (0, 0)):
""" Constructor
super(DummyGameObject, self).__init__(pos = position, max_speed = 0, max_accel = 0, max_rotation = 0, max_angular_accel = 0)