Source code for steering.blended

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Blended Steering Behaviors

This module implements a class that Blends a list of
:py:class:`~.KinematicSteeringBehavior` s and provides
a weighted sum of their outputs as a steering request.

This is the bread and butter of **Steering Behaviors** since it easily 
combines different behaviors that allow for semi-complex AI behaviors.

Derives from :py:class:`~.kinematic.KinematicSteeringBehavior`.


This is how you would normally create your own :py:class:`~BlendedSteering` ,
in this case we are making a more complex version of :py:class:`~steering.kinematic.Arrive`
where the character looks where it's going and also tries to avoid any
obstacle in the way.

.. code-block:: python

    flocking_behavior = BlendedSteering(
        character = character
        behaviors = [
            BehaviorAndWeight(kinematic.Arrive(character, target), weight = 1),
            BehaviorAndWeight(kinematic.LookWhereYoureGoing(character), weight = 1),
            BehaviorAndWeight(kinematic.ObstacleAvoidance(character, obstacles), weight = 2),
This module also includes a couple of pre-implemented :py:class:`BlendedSteering`.
.. todo:: Make BehaviorAndWeight prettier, maybe use named tuples?


from . import kinematic
from . import path
from pygame_ai.gameobject import DummyGameObject

[docs]class BehaviorAndWeight(object): """ Container for Behavior and Weight values Parameters ---------- behavior: :py:class:`~.KinematicSteeringBehavior` weight: int """ def __init__(self, behavior, weight): self.behavior = behavior self.weight = weight
[docs]class BlendedSteering(kinematic.KinematicSteeringBehavior): """ Base Blended Steering This class provides methods neccesary to combine the list of steering behaviors and produce a single :py:class:`~.kinematic.SteeringOutput`. Derives from :py:class:`~.KinematicSteeringBehavior`, currently :py:class:`BlendedSteering` with :py:class:`~.StaticSteeringBehavior` is not supported. Parameters ---------- character: :py:class:`~gameobject.GameObject` Character with this behavior behaviors: list(:py:class:`~.BehaviorAndWeight`) List of behaviors that compose this :py:class:`~.BlendedSteering` """ def __init__(self, character, behaviors): self.character = character self.behaviors = behaviors def __repr__(self): return 'BlendedSteering '+super(BlendedSteering, self).__repr__()
[docs] def draw_indicators(self, screen, offset = (lambda pos: pos)): """ Draws appropiate indicators for this :py:class:`BlendedSteering` Draws the indicators of all :py:class:`~.KinematicSteeringBehavior` that compose this :py:class:`~.BlendedSteering`. Parameters ---------- screen: :pgsurf:`Surface` Surface in which to draw indicators, normally this would be the screen Surface offset: function, optional Function that applies an offset to the object's position This is meant to be used together with scrolling cameras, leave empty if your game doesn't implement one,it defaults to a linear function f(pos) -> pos """ for behavior in self.behaviors: behavior.behavior.draw_indicators(screen, offset)
[docs] def get_steering(self): """ Returns the combined steering request of this :py:class:`~BlendedSteering` Returns ------- :py:class:`SteeringOutput` Requested steering """ # Output steering for accumulating steering = kinematic.SteeringOutput() # Accumulate all accelerations for behavior in self.behaviors: steering += behavior.behavior.get_steering() * behavior.weight # Crop the results and return steering_lin_accel = steering.linear.length() if steering_lin_accel > self.character.max_accel: steering.linear /= steering_lin_accel steering.linear *= self.character.max_accel steering_angular_accel = steering.angular if steering_angular_accel > self.character.max_angular_accel: steering.angular /= steering_angular_accel steering.angular *= self.character.max_angular_accel return steering
[docs]class Flocking(BlendedSteering): """ :py:class:`~.BlendedSteering` that makes the character move in a flock-like way This behavior is meant to be used with several characters, they will all try to **Arive** at the same target location while **Looking Where They're Going** and keeping **Separated** from eachother. Parameters ---------- character: :py:class:`~.GameObject` swarm: iterable(:pgsprite:`Sprite`) Rest of the entities that conform the Flock target: :py:class:`~.GameObject` """ def __init__(self, character, swarm, target): behaviors = [ BehaviorAndWeight(kinematic.Separation(character, swarm), 3), BehaviorAndWeight(kinematic.Arrive(character, target), 1), BehaviorAndWeight(kinematic.LookWhereYoureGoing(character), 1), ] super(Flocking, self).__init__(character, behaviors)
[docs]class Wander(BlendedSteering): """ :py:class:`~.BlendedSteering` that makes the character **Wander** around. This behaviors is a more complex version of :py:class:`~.kinematic.Wander` that also tries to **Avoid Obstacles**. Parameters ---------- character: :py:class:`~.GameObject` obstacles: iterable(:pgsprite:`Sprite`) Solid obstacles """ def __init__(self, character, obstacles): behaviors = [ # Wander BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.Wander(character), weight = 1), # ObstacleAvoidance BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.ObstacleAvoidance(character, obstacles), weight = 4), # LookWhereYoureGoing BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.LookWhereYoureGoing(character), weight = 2), ] super(Wander, self).__init__(character, behaviors)
[docs]class Arrive(BlendedSteering): """ :py:class:`~.BlendedSteering` that makes the character **Arrive** at a target This is behavior is a more complex version of :py:class:`~.kinematic.Arrive` that also **Looks Where it's Going** and tries to **Avoid Obstacles**. Parameters ---------- character: :py:class:`~.GameObject` target: :py:class:`~.GameObject` obstacles: iterable(:pgsprite:`Sprite`) Solid obstacles """ def __init__(self, character, target, obstacles, target_radius = None, slow_radius = None): behaviors = [ # Arrive BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.Arrive(character, target, target_radius, slow_radius), weight = 1), # ObstacleAvoidance BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.ObstacleAvoidance(character, obstacles), weight = 2), # LookWhereYoureGoing BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.LookWhereYoureGoing(character), weight = 1), ] super(Arrive, self).__init__(character, behaviors)
class Surround(BlendedSteering): """ :py:class:`~.BlendedSteering` that makes the character **Surround** a target This behavior uses :py:class:`~.FollowPath` and :py:class:`~.Face` to make the character revolve around the target while looking at it. Parameters ---------- character: :py:class:`~.GameObject` target: :py:class:`~.GameObject` radius: int The radius of the circle the character will surround the target with """ def __init__(self, character, target, radius): circumpath = path.PathCircumference(lambda: target.position, radius) behaviors = [ BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.FollowPath(character, circumpath), weight = 2), BehaviorAndWeight( kinematic.Face(character, target), weight = 1), ] super(Surround, self).__init__(character, behaviors)